Rejected Jobs

Note that an important part of the QA role is to guide and train transcribers to improve their work. Unfortunately, the most effective way to do this is by rejecting their chunk. Our rejection system is NOT designed to be vindictive or avoid paying TRs for their work. A rejection not only alerts the Transcriber that they have improvements to make but also informs our admin team that feedback may be in order.

QA Rejections
Understanding the Rejection Reasons
Change Percentage Isn't the Whole Story
I've had some jobs rejected. Am I going to be kicked out?
Rejection Inquiry
Tips For Avoiding Rejections

There are two ways that a job can be rejected:

  1. QA Rejections: The QA may reject a chunk
  2. Auto Rejections: The WorkHub will automatically reject chunks with over 30% changes

If your job is rejected, the amount you earned (previously showing in red) will change to $0.0000, turn grey, the Rejected Job column will say Yes, and the dollar amount for the job will be subtracted from your Pending funds. Note that a job can still be rejected even with a low change percent.

When you click the View button on a rejected job, you can see the changes made, along with a general reason the job was rejected. These descriptions are automated and not typed in by the QA.

QA Rejections

A QA WILL reject a chunk for the below reasons:

  • Incorrect, capitalized, or misspelled tags
  • If timestamps or speaker IDs are inserted in the text
  • If any comments are inserted into a chunk. Example: [I can't hear this], [this file is inaudible]
  • Three or more typos/misspelled words
  • If ellipses or dashes are used to begin and/or end a chunk
  • An incomplete chunk where the QA must transcribe the missing portion
  • Using BE spelling in a US file or US spelling in a BE file

A QA MIGHT reject a chunk for the below reasons:

  • Misheard words
  • Missing words
  • Use of [inaudible] or [crosstalk] instead of striving to discern what was said
  • Not following the Style Guide
  • Multiple misheard, missing, or mixed up words that indicate lack of proofing
  • Lack of research despite clear context
  • Missing capital letters and/or punctuation throughout the chunk
  • Multiple errors of any kind that show a general lack of care

Keep in mind that QAs do take audio quality into consideration and will not reject a chunk for just one or two minor mistakes. On the other hand, numerous missing or misheard words in crystal clear audio would be a cause for concern and may be rejected, although the change percent may be relatively low.

Understanding the Rejection Reasons

Quality Check (Auto Rejections): Once jobs have been fully completed and submitted, the WorkHub will take one last look at each chunk. If a chunk has over 30.00% changed by a QA/Reviewer, then the system may automatically reject the job. An auto rejection will show Quality Check as the reason for rejection. Note that not all changes are counted when calculating the auto rejection, so you may have a change percent of 30.00% or greater without receiving an auto rejection.

Missing Words: This means that words were excluded from the transcript that should not have been. It could indicate occasional missing words that indicate a lack of proper proofing, missing conjunctions at the beginning of sentences, or that speech from a main speaker was not transcribed and the QA had to fill in the missing text. This is also usually the rejection reason for incomplete chunks that the QA must complete.

Misheard Words: QAs will use this rejection reason if the chunk has too many misheard words or the audio is clear and the mishears are, therefore, strange. This can also apply to "nonsense mishears" where the text makes no sense in context and Guess tags were not used.

Syntax and Grammar: This reason is commonly selected for chunks with multiple typos or misused homophones, e.g., "I herd their was work too due today."

Punctuation: This reason can sometimes be used for chunks with multiple typos, but is usually reserved for blatantly incorrect punctuation or lack of punctuation or correct capitalization at the beginning of sentences, etc. Did you end each line with punctuation? Are quotes punctuated accordingly?

Style-guide Adherence: Our QAs are instructed to immediately reject for ANY tag errors. If you earn a rejection for SG Adherence, tags are the first thing you should check. If your tags are correct, the rejection could have stemmed from anything contained in the Style Guide. Common culprits (after tag issues) include: transcribing filler or crutch words that should always be omitted in Clean Verbatim, i.e. like and you know; using a comma after conjunctions, lack of research, etc.

Change Percentage Isn't the Whole Story

Again, keep in mind that the change percentage isn't always an indicator of whether or not a job will be rejected by the QA. A job with a low change percentage could be rejected while one with a much higher percentage is not. Some rejections are determined based on quality and others on quantity. For example, a couple of minor mishears will not likely be rejected, although many throughout the chunk will. On the other hand, ONE misspelled or incorrect tag could equal an immediate rejection. Make snippets for your tags to avoid mistakes!

I've had some jobs rejected. Am I going to be kicked out?

Probably not. We look at transcriber accuracy percentages as well as number of rejections when evaluating work. We don't take these figures at face value, but we look at the actual chunks, listen to the audio, and then make an overall assessment. From there, we provide feedback to those who are showing potential but need some guidance.

If there is no improvement at all, then the account may be closed, depending on the situation. There are also occasions where we do have to close an account immediately without providing feedback. The work has to be pretty below standard for that to occur, though. Try not to worry. Just take a look at your jobs, determine why they were rejected, carefully study the changes, and don't make the same mistakes again.

Rejection Inquiry

If you feel that one of your jobs was rejected in error, was unwarranted, or you don't know why it was rejected, you can contest the rejection by filling out a Job Rejection Inquiry form. Someone from the Ops Team will review the job in question and make a determination and you will be emailed informing you of the outcome. The admin will either provide more explanation on why the chunk was rejected or will credit your account for the amount earned.

Tips For Avoiding Rejections

Here are some tips to ensure that your work doesn't get rejected:

  • Snippets: Make snippets for the tags and words you tend to misspell
  • Proofread: We recommend copying your text into Grammarly and/or Word, making note of changes that need to be made, then manually correcting them in the transcription box
  • Second Pass: NEVER submit a job without giving it at least one additional listen in order to catch mistakes that passed you by as you were typing
  • Research: Flex those Google muscles! Research to the best of your ability given the context of the chunk
  • Study: Check out the resources available in our TM Library knowledge base to avoid common pitfalls

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