Snippets (Text Expanders) & Shortcuts
Why Use Snippets?
How To Set Up Snippets
From the Transcription Tab
From the Sessions Tab
Common Snippet Examples
Cameron S's Giant List of Snippets
Common Responses
-y Words
1-2 letters
3 letters
4 letters
2 letters
3 letters
4 letters
Social Media
Keyboard Shortcuts
What Are Snippets?
Basically, snippets are what you type when using a text expander. Text expanders allow you to create keyboard shortcuts using abbreviations that are then expanded into the full word(s).
The TranscribeMe WorkHub allows you to create your own snippets from within the Transcription or Sessions tabs. Many people use outside programs such as Breevy (for PC) or Keyboard Maestro (for Mac).
Why Use Snippets?
- Time-saving – it's quicker to type lll for the [laughter] tag than to type out the entire tag.
- Misspellings – most of us have specific words that we consistently mistype. Snippets can be used to fix those automatically. For example, typing teh would automatically correct to the.
How To Set Up Snippets
Note: From the Transcription tab, snippets may contain latin letters, numbers, and underscore only! If you're in the Sessions tab, snippets can contain other characters and they will be recognized in the Sessions window. BUT you won't be able to use those snippets in the Transcription window.
In the examples below, every time I type inaud, it will automatically expand into [inaudible]. Woot!
Beware when creating snippets on the WorkHub. If you use one-letter snippets (l for laughter) or common letter combinations (ct), you may wind up with things like this happening: trai[laughter] (trail) or exa[crosstalk] (exact).
From the Transcription Tab
- Expand Snippets on the right-hand side by clicking on it.
- Click on Manage Snippets - a box will pop up that says Manage Snippets.
- In the blank box on the left, input your snippet. For example, inaud for the [inaudible] tag.
- In the next blank box, you'll input what you want the snippet to expand to. For example, [inaudible].
- Then click Add.
- When you're done adding your snippets, you can click Close.
From the Sessions Tab
- Expand Snippets on the right-hand side by clicking on it.
- In the Snippets Editor box, click on Add Snippet.
- In the blank box on the left, input your snippet. For example, inaud for the [inaudible] tag.
- In the next blank box, you'll input what you want the snippet to expand into. For example, [inaudible]. Then click Save.
- When you're done adding your snippets, you can click on Close.
Per Cameron S, a First Draft Champion who consistently topped the charts in work submitted:
I'm just trying to be a better listener and notice when longer words come up or when words are used quite frequently (like "people," even though it's easy to type).
One more thing, I copy/paste multiple times throughout one file. As soon as I hear someone say a long or complicated phrase more than once, I copy just in case I need to paste. And if they move on to another key phrase, copy again all the way through the file. It's perfect for specific files that may repeat a term over and over that you'll never hear again.
Per Yuen Cheng [TM]:
Over the years, text expander programs in their various forms have saved me much wear and tear on my money-makers (fingers) and saved me plenty of time while transcribing. It may not seem like much, but every keystroke and every second you save adds up! Being fast and accurate with spelling means you could make more money and have fewer mistakes.
I've been using Breevy for years now and I find it invaluable in terms of its various applications, not only within this platform, but across all types of work. It's a program that stands alone, so if you're sending an email, writing a book, doing transcription, or just googling whatever, it works.
I have thousands of shortcuts that I have curated over the years. With Breevy, I can create folders with categories like Medical, Full Verbatim, Company, and more project-specific folders. Using the tip below, you can have pretty much any number of combinations that make sense. And that's the key to using text expanders: they have to make sense to you. No point in having a shortcut if you can't remember what it is, right? Use an anchor for the ends of words (i.e. suffixes). The letters in parentheses are the anchors.
- coordinate = coo > main body
- coordinates = coo(s) > main body + (anchor)
- coordinating = coo(g)
- coordinated = coo(d)
- coordinator = coo(r)
- coordinators = coo(rs)
- coordination = coo(j)
- amount = amt > main body
- amounts = amt(s) > main body + (anchor)
- amounted = amt(d)
- amounting = amt(g)
With this format, you don't have to scratch your head too much thinking up shortcuts!
Common Snippet Examples
apl = [applause] | ii or iii or inau = [inaudible] | mmm = [music] |
ccc or ct = [crosstalk] | laf or lgh or lll or haha = [laughter] | sss or sil or sl = [silence] |
fff or fr = [foreign] |
adn = and | ANd = and | teh = the |
alot = a lot | i = I | THat = That |
alright = all right | OKay = Okay | THis = This |
Alright = All right | satsified = satisfied | THose = Those |
allright = all right | seh = she | eyah = yeah |
Allright = All right | ||
abs = absolutely | dob = date of birth | idt = I don't think | ssn = Social Security number |
alr or ar = all right | dont = don't | iim = I mean | st = something |
bc = because | Dont = Don't | ik = I know | Su = sure |
btw = by the way | faul = first of all | inf or info = information | tv = TV |
cant = can't | fe = for example, | kk = kind of | Ty = Thank you |
Cant = Can't | frex = for example | lk = like | ukno or yko or yk or yn = you know |
charactist = characteristic | frins = for instance | obv = obviously, | un = unnecessary |
cond = condition | gb = Goodbye | oc = of course, | vs = versus |
cy = community | gm = Good morning | Ok = Okay | wh = whatever |
def = definitely | havent = haven't | org = organization | yh = yeah |
dept = department | Havent = Haven't | ppl = people | Yh = Yeah |
didnt = didn't | idk = I don't know | ss = sort of | YK = You know |
Didnt = Didn't |
Cameron S's Giant List of Snippets
Common Responses
ok = Okay. | gi = Got it. | cl = Cool. | y = Yeah. |
ar = All right. | gr = Great. | ty = Thank you | Abs = Absolutely. |
r = Right. |
-y Words
al = already | ho = hopefully | bas = basically | typ = typically |
abs = absolutely | obv = obviously, | ac = actually | ult = ultimately |
cert = certainly | def = definitely | une = unnecessary | ori = originally |
prob = probably | esp = especially | nec = necessarily | qu = quality |
evn = eventually | occ = occasionally | unf = unfortunately | lit = literally |
usu = usually | spe = specifically | gen = generally | ess = essentially |
p = people | idt = I don't think | pm = pretty much | aw = awesome |
rl = really | k = kind of | omg = Oh my God, | rn = right now |
ik = I know | ss = sort of | oc = of course | wo = without |
im = I mean | th = thinking | bbb = blah, blah, blah | ans = answer |
ith = I think | rs = reason | fe = for example | q = question |
ig = I guess | rss = reasons | wh = whatever | qs = questions |
idk = I don't know | eod = at the end of the day, |
1-2 letters
E = English | de = deliver | cos = companies | op = operation |
f = finance | ap = application | Am = American | ec = economic |
eu = Europe | fi = financial | ha = happening | ca = capability |
eun = European | ma = marketing | CA = California | cas = capabilities |
cs = comp search | co = company | id = identify | cu = curriculum |
eq = equivalent |
3 letters
acq = acquisition | dif = different | inf = information | rec = recommend |
adj = adjustment | doc = documentation | ini = initiative | ref = referral |
adm = administrator | edu = education | ins = institution | rel = relationship |
adv = advantage | eff = efficient | int = interesting | rem = remember |
aft = afternoon | emp = employee | jur = jurisdiction | req = require |
alt = alternate | env = environment | min = minute | res = research |
arc = architecture | equ = equipment | mins = minutes | sch = schedule |
ass = associated | est = establish | nu = number | sep = separate |
ava = available | exc = excellent | nus = numbers | sig = significant |
avg = average | exi = existing | opp = opportunity | str = strategy |
bus = business | exp = experience | opps = opportunities | stu = student |
cal = calendar | fam = family | org = organization | suc = success |
cir = circumstance | fams = families | org = organization | sug = suggest |
com = computer | fav = favorite | orgs = organizations | sup = support |
cor = corporate | gov = government | par = particular | sys = system |
cul = culture | hos = hospital | phy = physician | tec = technology |
cus = customer | imp = important | pic = picture | und = understand |
dec = decrease | inc = increase | pol = political | uni = university |
dev = development | ind = individual | pos = position |
4 letters
coll = collaborative | diff = difficult | morn = morning | prod = production |
comm = communication | disc = discussion | perf = performance | prof = professional |
comp = comparable | eval = evaluation | pers = perspective | resp = responsibilities |
conf = conference | incl = include | poss = possible | tran = transaction |
conv = conversation | manu = manufacturing | prep = prepared | yest = yesterday |
2 letters
cr = correct | ic = incredible | rm = requirement | sw = software |
cy = community | iv = interview | sl = school | vn = vendor |
cys = communities | mg = manage | sv = service | vs = versus |
dr = doctor | pt = patient |
3 letters
acs = activities | apr = appreciate | exm = example | mgr = manager |
adt = additional | asm = assessment | fwd = forward | pkg = package |
als = analysis | asn = assignment | ldr = leadership | stg = strategic |
aly = analyst | ast = assistant | ltd = limited | uns = United States |
amt = amount | dcn = decision |
4 letters
acct = account | asst = assistance | dept = department | intl = international |
appt = appointment | attn = attention | infr = infrastructure | mgmt = management |
aah = -and-a-half | fd = feedback | hw = homework | pov = point of view |
bg = background | ff = fast forward | lb = little bit | tp = transfer pricing |
bm = benchmark | hc = health care | mp = marketplace | tr = Thomson Reuters |
cb = CrossBorder Solutions | hq = headquarters | ny = New York | va = value-add |
db = database | hs = high school | NZ = New Zealand | yo = years old |
MON = Monday | FRI = Friday | JAN = January | OCT = October |
TUE = Tuesday | SAT = Saturday | FEB = February | NOV = November |
WED = Wednesday | SUN = Sunday | AUG = August | DEC = December |
THU = Thursday | SEP = September |
Social Media
fb = Facebook | inst = Instagram |
sm = social media | sc = Snapchat |
tw = Twitter |
Keyboard Shortcuts
- Ctrl + Backspace = delete last word
- Ctrl + C = copy
- Ctrl + Shift + Arrow = select words
- Ctrl + T = new tab
- Ctrl + W = close tab ***be careful with this!
- Ctrl + Y = redo
- Ctrl + Z = undo
For more keyboard shortcuts: Shortcut Mania
A big, special thanks to everyone who contributed to this document!