1099 Tax Information

For amounts paid to you via PayPal, you will not be receiving a 1099 from TranscribeMe. Due to IRS rules, third-party merchants are responsible for issuing 1099s if the sum of your payments meet the minimum threshold. You will receive your 1099 form directly from PayPal if you meet the minimum threshold.

If you would like to see your Payment History, please follow the directions below. Keep in mind that your payment history may not match your 1099 from PayPal. We have no insight into PayPal reporting. If you receive payments from other companies or individuals for business services, it is likely that PayPal would aggregate all of your payments into one 1099. The total could also vary slightly due to a timing difference.

Extracting Your TranscribeMe Payment History

Finding a history of payments made to you by TranscribeMe is as easy as logging into your User account!

After logging into your user account, click your WorkHub email at the top right-hand corner of your WorkHub screen. Then click on Manage Account.

Select Payment History in the left sidebar menu.

Using the dropdown in Payment History, select the payment type you wish to search for in your account. You'll likely want Paid. 
Make sure to change your date range. There is no limit to the length of time you can search for, unlike your Work History. The default dates are the current 2-week period. To change the dates, click in the box with the date and use the pop-up calendar to choose your desired dates

Take note of your results. You may also export your results to CSV or XLS (Excel) via the buttons on the top right.

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