Offline Instructions & Formatting

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Why Offline?
What do I do?
Opening the Text File
Opening & Transcribing the Audio File
What Do I When I'm Finished?
Offline Formatting
The Secret to Adding Timestamps and Text

Why Offline?

At TM, there are several reasons why files are sometimes offered offline. It could be an issue with the way the audio uploaded, the way the slicer separated the jobs, or various other reasons.

What do I do?

Once you have agreed to complete a session offline, you will receive an email with the audio, the transcribed document or a template, and some basic instructions. Please notify us if you do not have Microsoft Word so we can send the document in another format.

Click on the attached document to open it in either Microsoft Word, Wordpad, or TextEdit (for Mac).

Opening the Text File

This is the offline Word template you would use for single-step sessions:

Below is an example of a text that has already been transcribed when opened in Wordpad:

Opening & Transcribing the Audio File

Next, open the audio link. Simply click on the link provided and your computer should ask you which program you'd like to use to open it. You would then transcribe or complete as usual.

We recommend using a transcription program that would allow you to use a foot pedal, hot keys, timestamping options, etc. such as Express Scribe, NCH Suite, Gearplayer 4, and FTW Transcriber.

Now, do what you do best – transcribe and/or QA the file! Having trouble with adding timestamps and/or text? See below.

What Do I When I'm Finished?

Once you have completed the file, reply to the same email that was sent, attach the completed document, and be sure to use the Reply to All function. Shortly after that, you will receive a confirmation email advising you that your account has been credited for the offline session.

Offline Formatting

As you know, offline files are normally sent to you in a Word doc. If you have done one before, you may have had some trouble with adding timestamps or text.

The Secret to Adding Timestamps and Text

The reason you're having trouble is that, although they are technically in Word doc format, they are actually done inside of a chart on a Word doc. So when adding a timestamp, try the following:

Use your mouse to hover over the area just below Transcription results. A plus sign will appear. Click on it to select all text.

A formatting box will appear. Click on the drop-down menu to select borders. Then, click on All Borders so that they are visible.

Now you can clearly see where to add both text. To add timestamps, simply highlight the entire row, right click, and choose Insert Above or Insert Below, as needed.

Once you have completed the file, remove the visible borders by, again, using your mouse to hover over the area just below Transcription results. Click on the plus sign to select all text. From the formatting box, choose the borders drop-down menu, and select No Border.

And your file will go back to the previous view:

Now, wasn't that easy?

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