Share Your Research

A popular request from our Transcribers and QAs has been for Job Details to accompany jobs/sessions to help reduce time spent researching while working on a file. We do encourage our customers to provide details; however, this doesn't happen often enough. So we implemented a workaround: Transcribers and QAs can share their research along with the Client and Session IDs for the file(s) they worked on. Then, anyone who searches for one or both of these IDs will be able to find the thread with the relevant research already conducted, thereby saving valuable time!

The Job ID String

When you are working on a job on the Jobs tab, you will notice in the top right, in the Guidelines area, a string of four numbers known as the Job ID. Job IDs have four parts: Client ID-Recording ID-Session ID-Job ID. For example, 976532-26812872-19912799-23606693.

  • Client ID: The unique number assigned to each customer that registers with TranscribeMe. Every file that they upload under their portal email will have this Client ID.
  • Recording ID: For admin and client purposes only.
  • Session ID: The number assigned to the full file once it hits the QA stage. This is the number that QAs will reference if they lose or have questions about their file.
  • Job ID: Specific to the chunk that a Transcriber works on.

For the sake of sharing research, you will need to reference the Client and Session IDs (the first and third numbers). So in the above example, we would post 976532-19912799.

How It Works

As stated, all files for a given client will have the same Client ID. There are a few exceptions, but 9 times out of 10, you can go by that number. If you preface your Watercooler questions/comments with the Client ID, we can use that number to search for any information/help available on the job you're currently working on. If you also include the third number, the Session ID, then QAs can find information on their particular session. For example:

Post: 976532-19912799 Does anyone know what company they're talking about? It sounds like "Garshmoogle," but I'm pretty sure that can't be right. They make Widgets, if that helps.

Reply: I just had them, and they really are "Garshmoogle, Inc." Crazy, I know!

If someone searches for 976532 or 19912799, they'll find this conversation and be able to verify the company name is Garshmoogle, Inc, and that they make Widgets.

Understanding and applying context is crucial in transcription work. For these reasons, we also recommend joining the Research Headquarters group in TM Watercooler. There is a plethora of information available to you that just might aid in completing your job! If you read the posts there regularly, you will already have a head start on the current client trends and topics circling the queue.

Special Teams: If you're creating or editing documents specific to a particular project, if you will include the Client ID in the document, that would be immensely helpful as well.

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