Maintaining Your Equipment

Let's talk about maintaining your equipment!

Cleaning Supplies
The Tower
The Keyboard
The Mouse
The Foot Pedal

In our line of work, we tend to hammer our computers/laptops/hardware a fair bit. Clean computers won't just make your work area look tidier. A thorough cleaning will prevent other problems as well:

Dust build-up inside the computer can clog the fan. The fan that normally keeps your computer cool will fail, and then your computer may overheat. Overheating can fry parts and shorten your computer's lifespan, which means you'll have to replace it sooner.

Dust build-up and regular overheating can also slow your computer.

As food and dust particles build up inside the keyboard or mouse, they could block moving parts, rendering the keyboard and mouse useless. You must carefully clean them again before they'll work.

Germs feast on food particles and dust, so they'll build up on the computer. If allowed to grow, they can make anyone who uses the computer more likely to get sick.

Cleaning Supplies

Before you start cleaning your computers, make sure you have the following supplies:

    A few screwdrivers with different heads so you can undo any screw type
    A can of compressed air - you'll probably need several of these if you clean multiple computers
    A small paintbrush for dusting hard-to-reach places
    A soft cloth for wiping off stubborn contaminants

Notice that we haven't included a vacuum or chemical cleaners on this list. Vacuums could cause static that'll fry circuits and chips, so don't bring a vacuum when you begin cleaning. Let the air compressor direct the contaminants out of your computers. Cleaners put moisture in your computer, which could also fry the circuits.


    Turn off all the computer's components.
    Remove all auxiliary devices, including power cords, internet cords, speakers, USB drives, phone/tablet/MP3 chargers, etc. Nothing should stay attached to your computer.
    Take the computer into a garage or outside. A lot of dust will come out of it, so you need to take it somewhere where a giant cloud of dust won't disturb anyone. You don't want your family breathing in that dust.

Cleaning the Tower

    Unscrew the casing on the side of the tower - preferably the side opposite the motherboard. Put the screws somewhere safe so you don't lose them.
    Using the can of compressed air, blast the dust out of the computer. Make sure you blast around each component, and make sure you keep the can a safe distance away from the computer (about 10 centimeters). If it's any closer, it could dislodge chips or circuits.
    Use the cloth and the paintbrush to clear any remaining dust
    Replace the casing

Cleaning the Keyboard

    Turn the keyboard upside down and gently pat it until no more crumbs or dust fall out.
    Blow compressed air around the keys.
    Wipe off the keyboard with a cloth and rubbing alcohol.

Cleaning the Mouse

    Blow compressed air into the opening and around the buttons.
    Wipe off the mouse with a cloth.

Cleaning the Foot Pedal

    Using the can of compressed air, blast the dust out of the openings.
    Unscrew the bottom plate, especially if you have pets as their fur tends to build up in there. Using the can of compressed air, blast the dust and fur out.

You can simply wipe off your monitor with a cloth. If anything cakes onto your computer or its components, moisten the cloth in rubbing alcohol and gently work it off. Be sure to wait until your computer completely dries before turning it on again.

As always, be kind to yourself as you are your most important asset!

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