Advanced ASR Guide

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The Advanced ASR team is responsible for taking files that have been "transcribed" by a virtual transcriber (ASR, or Automatic Speech Recognition) and fully QAing them to comply with our Clean Verbatim style, specifically focusing on correcting misheard and missing words, researching names and terms, punctuating appropriately, and adding timestamps and speaker IDs as outlined in the Sessions Handbook.

Pay Rate

In appreciation of the extra work required for editing the virtual transcribers, these files pay at $25/AH.

But the computer did a horrible job! What do I do?

If you come across a file that is an absolute nightmare (i.e., you could do it quicker just typing it out yourself), please jot down the Session ID, reject the file for Low-Quality Audio, and send a Help Desk ticket with the session ID, alerting them to the poor quality of the ASR transcription. We will take it from there.

At the very least, please do reject the file for Low-Quality Audio. But DO NOT reject ASR files for Terrible Transcription as this only sends it to be redone by the ASR again with no improvement.

Types of Files

As the project grows, the files and subject matter are continuing to expand, including different accents. So it would be advantageous for you to take the time to conquer any accent exams you have not yet passed!

Final Thoughts

Should you have any questions, need further clarification, or if we can assist you further, please feel free to ask!

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