Did the QA make a mistake editing my file?

Please note that QA changes can be of four types: 

  • Subjective
  • Information gleaned from other parts of the file outside your chunk
  • Transcriber error
  • QA error (not as common, but they are human too)
Punctuation in particular can be very subjective, so you may see contradicting changes made by different QAs because they all have their own punctuation and editing style. As long as you follow our Style Guide and basic grammar rules, there is no need to change your transcripts to reflect these particular QA changes. 
If, however, you see a major error introduced to your edited chunk (the QA has used a non-approved tag, included typos in the job, deleted relevant text, etc.), then please let us know, giving us the Job ID and date of the file in question so we can investigate further to see if we need to reach out to the QA.
If you're not sure about a QA change, you can copy/paste (or include a screenshot of) your edits on TM Watercooler (excluding any client-specific information, of course) to ask your fellow transcribers as to why they think a change was made. If they confirm it was a likely error, then please reach out and include the date and Job ID of the file in question.

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